In June 2020, I joined Peter Llewellyn at MedComms Networking for a webinar entitled ‘Take Control of Your MedComms Career’. Watch the video, and scroll down to download summaries of my tips on how to:
- Take control of your MedComms career [12:45]
- Help your team take control of their MedComms careers [17:57]
- Take control of your freelance MedComms career [21:49]
Please let me know if you have any questions or would like any further support on any of these topics!
Take control of your MedComms career
Being in control of your own career means making choices with intention and ownership.

If you’re not in control of your career, you might feel:
- Frustrated and overwhelmed
- Stuck in a rut
- Unsure of what you want
- Overlooked as other people progress
If this sounds familiar, download a free detailed summary from the MedComms Networking webinar, giving tips and advice on how you can take control of your career.

Help your team take control of their MedComms careers
Things are changing rapidly in MedComms. How do you advise someone on their options when the world looks very different from when you started out?

Medical writing is the basis of such a broad range of potential career paths, and helping your team find the right route can be complex. How do you approach this with someone who has very different strengths and skills to your own?
If you would like resources to help your team take control of their MedComms careers, download a free detailed summary from the MedComms Networking webinar now.
Take control of your freelance career
Taking time to set up your freelance career with intention is never wasted though, and can be valuable whether you’ve been freelance for 10 minutes or 10 years.

Being a freelance medical writer can be liberating and wonderfully flexible, but can feel unstable or precarious if you’re not in control of the path you’re taking. Striking the right balance is tough, especially if you’re fresh out of an agency job. It’s also hard to justify time to ponder how to approach your freelance business – any time that isn’t being charged to a client can feel wasted.
Download a free detailed summary from the MedComms Networking webinar, giving tips and advice on crafting a freelance career with intention.
Find out more

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