Conquer the basics of good medical writing with this new course!

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Medical writing is the hardest job in the world. Probably.

Think about it – we could be working for any pharmaceutical company on any therapy area, any drug, any diagnostic technique or tool, any medical device.

We create content from journal articles and congress materials, to slide decks, videos, training resources, podcasts, webinars, strategy documents, meeting presentations, booth activities… the list goes on!

When we’re creating that content, it might be for audiences that range from patients who have literally never heard of the condition or drug we’re writing about all the way through to the top experts in the field, and anyone in between. Sometimes our audience is our clients themselves!

That's a lot to get your head around.

I know from experience how hard it is, especially when you’re just starting out.

That’s why I’ve boiled down my 18 years of experience into my new course on the basics of good medical writing

I’ve distilled all that knowledge into bite-sized chunks so that you can get your head around it in your own time.

The course also includes lots of practical suggestions about how you can incorporate everything you learn into your own writing process, no matter what that looks like. 

You get lifetime access to the content, as we’re always developing as writers – you can come back to brush up your skills whenever you want.

Sign me up now!

If you sign up before October 17th 2022, you can get 25% off the normal price.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up today and I’ll see you in the course!